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Micropost about Marketing Digital by Aloclick

why is sem so important for your strategy?

                SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a digital marketing strategy aimed at increasing the online visibility of websites in search engine results.
                It allows you to:
                🟢Increase your business online visibility immediately in search engines with SEM.
                🟢Boost your online advertising campaigns and reach your target in real time.
                A key aspect of this strategy is the length of keywords which should be short (usually 1 or 2 general, specific words with high search volume but greater competition) or long (more specific, consisting of 3 or more words, with lower search volume but less competition, and often more effective). 
                Optimize your digital strategy and grow your business today with our services!

💡 BOOST YOUR BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY with our web design, marketing and branding solutions  to showcase your products or services effectively.

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